So you may be wondering why my blog is titled this...well there isn't one specific reason why. First, I think it's a great quote from the movie Forrest Gump. Also, I like the message it teaches. Life is unexpected, and no one knows what lies before them. We have to take the chance and go see for ourselves if we ever want to accomplish something. This is also a lot like reading. We start out reading a book not knowing where it will take us. The ending is unknown until we reach it; sometimes it ends good and sometimes it ends bad. However, we will never know how it turns out in the end if we do not keep going.

Thursday, September 9, 2010

"To Autumn" ~by John Keats

The purpose of this essay is to provide details and imagery to visualize the season. Every line is filled with descriptive diction of Autumn. "Late flowers for the bees...barred clouds bloom the soft-dying day...gathering swallows twitter in the skies." The word choice describes the beauty of Autumn. These are just a few of the lines that clearly describe a scene of nature. The poem follows the progression through the day beginning with the "maturing sun" and ending with the "hedge-crickets sing[ing]." There were a few words I found while reading that I was unsure of their meaning. The clouds are describes as "barred"; I understood this as a description of the clouds as the sun sets. When the sun sets, the clouds appear barred across the sky with various colors between them. The poem mentions the "river sallows"; these are shrubby willows that grow near water. Also, the poem describes a bird whistling from a "garden-croft" which is a small kitchen garden or farm. These words all contribute to the description and beauty of Autumn; they allow the reader to better form a mental image and appreciate the season.

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